💕Try THIS to connect with Soulmate Clients.

Your Soulmate clients want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them.

Actually... they probably want to find you even MORE!!

Because... you have something they want. You carry a Code they are seeking. 

If this is true... then why can it feel hard to find clients?

Because you overcomplicate, overthink, get stuck in your head... then freeze up.

Want the simple, but highly effective solution to this?

Spend more time FEELING their energy. And allowing them to feel your energy.

Spend more time LISTENING to them.  And allow them to listen to you.

Spend more time SEEING them.  And allow them to see you.

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October Energy Forecast

Some powerful themes are coming up... and it is all around mastery, dedication and devotion with LOVE & MONEY! Some of the challenges that will creep in is impatience with where you are at in your journey... which may cause you to want to throw in the towel. You aren't meant to give up.... you are meant to check in with your path... the commit to mastery!! Tune in for the important details AND dates this month!!


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A Solstice Ritual that I created just for you!

Happy Solstice!!

Wishing you so many blessings on this Sacred Day!


The Year of the Oracle, the Seer, the Intuitive

This is the year that your Oracular gifts become activated.

Stronger, more powerful, and more potent than ever before.


Gifts do not get developed in a vacuum.

Our Soul Gifts are an initiation.


What this means is that they need something to strengthen, to activate, to develop them.

And this is done through contrast, challenge, duality and polarity.


So… if you have struggled to make decisions.

  • If you have been fearful of the unknown.
  • If you have felt the anxiety of change.
  • If you have felt afraid to leap.
  • If you have desired proof, evidence, concrete results BEFORE you make a decision.
  • If you have wondered why the old ways of doing things aren’t working for you.
  • If you have felt yourself pushed up against a brick wall… and feeling like there is no way forward…


Let me tell you…

This is your initiation.

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8 days ago, life as I knew it came crashing down

This still feels very raw, tender, vulnerable. 

And so difficult to talk about. 

I grew up in one of the most magical places in the world. On a 4.5 acre small country property, where we had peach trees, animals, and grew our own food. We could walk up the forest trail behind our home, and see waterfalls. The property overlooked Okanagan lake, and it was the most peaceful home for our family for the last 45 years.

Mountain sheep, deer, coyotes, bears, bobcats, owls, and countless other precious animals were regular visitors (I will never forget the day I came face to face with a bear in the garage, at age 8, putting my bike away!! ).

On Thursday Aug 17, a devastating fire ripped through Kelowna. The fire chief described it as 100 years of fires in 1.

As it's a rural area, there is a volunteer fire department... and my dad is a member. Thursday, my mom evacuated their home, and my dad went to work the fires.

That night, he sustained burns on his face and arms trying to save...

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🤦‍♀️ How many of these lies have you been told?

How many of these LIES have you been told about email and social media marketing? 

  • Email your list regularly... but don't overwhelm them
  • Have a "call-to-action" but don't be "salesy" ‍
  • Have a freebie... but don't give away too much free stuff
  • Grow your list... but purge it too
  • Be clever, interesting, entertaining, high value...

Honestly... it's no wonder most people find marketing and content creating overwhelming and exhausting!! 

Because I know you are here to make a difference... and that DOESN'T include spending hours agonizing over your email and social media marketing.

So I developed a SUPER basic system... easy, repeatable, simple. Where you can take 1 idea... and create ripples of impact using the law of momentum.

I have been working with exact system for 18 months. And in this time, I have grown to LOVE marketing, and become a kick-ass marketer.

And my results reflect it

Steal my system here (PDF download)... and check out my next free...

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Sept Energy Forecast

Sept Energy Forecast: Numerology for the month ahead. This month is PEAK energy for 2023.

Themes include:

  • Soul Gifts
  • Oracular Magic
  • Expanding your Intuitive Abilities


Watch it here-

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🦁Lion's Gate Portal - Let's manifest together

It was Lion's Gate August 8th.  Well strictly speaking, it's a period of time.. and it includes this month.

But... let's tap into the numbers a little...and create a fun ritual shall we?

It's a 5 energy day, with double 8s. In a 6 energy month. In a 7 energy year. See my description on IG which includes pretty graphics!

For the ritual... take time to tap into the Golden Abundance Codes available today.  How?

  • Lay in the sun, taking in the rays.
  • Carry or wear citrine.
  • Eat or drink foods rich in golden hues (I made delicious turmeric elixer today... reply if you want my recipe!)

Then get clear on what your desires are that centre around abundance, freedom, spiritual gifts and connection.

Dream about them.  Then to the ritual in the last graphic of the IG post!

Reply and let me know... what are you manifesting?? I want to hold space for you!!

Don't forget to tell me if you try my ritual!!

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💕Building trust with yourself

You can trust yourself.


Even if you have messed up in the past.  

Even if you have made mistakes. 

Even if you felt like have gotten it wrong before.


Please… the one thing you should never give up on is yourself.

Trusting yourself means investing in yourself.

With time, energy and resources.

It means learning your YES and your NO.

And following through with radical self-care, boundaries and love.


Don’t let the ups and downs of your past decide your future for you.

What if you decided that today was a fresh start.

A brand new timeline.

And that thing you desire?

It’s fully possible for you.

And you only have one job.

To go within. 

And to trust yourself.


To never stop listening to the longing in your Heart.

To notice the nudging of your Soul.

Then to follow it up with the action in your Body.


To give yourself a big hug… then take a step forward.


And see what happens when you mindfully cultivate...

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August Energy Forecast - Integration and Recalibration with your Soul Gifts and Oracular Gifts

August is a 6 energy month... join me as I dive deep into what that means for you, and the specific dates and energy you can work with to support your goals and desires!!

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💫What if Your Greatest Struggle is Actually an Initiation?

Let’s not sugar coat things. Life has been intense lately, hasn’t it?🫣

And there is so much unknown, uncertainty, it can feel like traveling in the dark.

🤔But let me ask you....What  if the darkness has something for you?
We are so afraid of the challenge, the hard, the difficulty.

I think it is the messed up programming around “perfection”, “rightness”, and feeling approved of by an external authority.✅

Like wanting the A from the teacher. Wanting a 10/10 on the job interview. Wanting to feel seen, feel chosen, feel special.
And if we dont’ feel those things... we think something is wrong with us. We punish ourselves. We turn inward.

We begin to run stories of being “too much”, and “not enough”.
🫴🏼What if... we have been looking at challenge all wrong?
🫴🏼What if your greatest struggle is actually an initiation?
🫴🏼What if it is guiding you TOWARDS your purpose?

I love how Numerology can show us this path. So we can ...
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