I know it can be scary... even terrifying... to acknowledge your power. To make a decision to honour it, claim it. And turn up the volume and potency to your magic.
I see you.
I see you courageously following your heart and making hard decisions. Even when those decisions defy logic and conditioning, you are trusting yourself to know what's right for you... and doing it anyway.
This is no small thing.
Following your inner guidance system... even when, especially when, others don't get you... THIS is a revolutionary act.
This is what shifts energy and tides. This is how we create ripples of change that gently, but steadily, move out around us.
We leave our space changed.
I want you to know...I am here. Celebrating you. Honouring you. Seriously soaking up the bliss of you saying yes to the quiet voice within.
Those nerves and jitters you feel? They are telling you something important - you are opening the door to the next chapter of your life.
A chapter filled with more grace and...
What the world needs now, more than ever... is skilled listeners.
People who can see, feel, and relate... and listen with all their senses open.
Powerful coaches, healers, teachers, practitioners and guides... are the ones who are constantly expanding their ability to feel and intuit the energetic experiences their clients are facing.
I have the gift of the language of Numbers
I see potential, opportunities and possibilities.
I embody abundance codes.
I can see your energy patterns...
I can see where there is flow, and where there is stagnancy.
And with this information, I can help you can redirect your energy to a timeline that is supportive to your goals and desires.
I use this gift when I do Numerology teaching and readings.
But here's the thing... I am not special.
I know you can do this too... because I have taught hundreds of people.
It is an ancient knowing that has been used for over 9,000 years.
And there is a powerful collective field that you can tap into... to...
A Numerology reading I received 10 years ago changed the course of my life. She said to me:
"You're sensitive, aren't you?"
And I mumbled something about trying to be better, do better.
And she responded:
"No. Your sensitivity is your SUPERPOWER! Embrace it, learn to work with it, and your energy will become so much more powerful!"
WHAT?? The thing I had been avoiding my whole life was my superpower?? I was mind blown. But I couldn't ignore how it landed for me.
And the course of my life began changing for the better.
Numerology helped me in sooo many ways.
I used it to better understand myself...what my gifts where, and to help me navigate my challenges.
I used it and became a better parent... I could see WHY my children were different, and WHAT they needed from me, that was completely unique to them. How I parented them, how I related to them... became more effective, more supportive and more loving once I considered their unique Code.
I used it to be a better coach... I could...
2024 is the year of Infinite Abundance. A
nd it will require 1 thing from you: that you dissolve all your barriers to Abundance. And that you recognize all that ISN'T abundance in your life.
You will learn a more potent relationship with your power - especially in your inner power.
Your practices, your habits, your devotion will come up... what are you truly committed to?
And are you willing to walk towards what you know is true in your heart?
Are you willing to take a stand for the Abundance you know is true? Abundance means fullness... and what is available to us is a fullness of financial wellbeing, happiness, love, health and peace.
But it will also mean being willing to see the blocks and barriers we have set up, holding is back from Infinite Abundance.
As we leave 2023... we have a stronger relationship with our intuition.
A more potent and powerful relationship with trusting ourselves. And a fierceness, if we are willing to stand for what we know to be truth.
And in...
January may feel like a bit of a false start to the new year... check out this video to discover why!
This might sound a little extreme.
And may stir things up for you.
The Year of Oracular Magic
I have been saying all year… NOW is the time to activate your Oracular Magic.
But I realize that may have some of you a little lost… what is Oracular Magic?
It is the ability to see energy, see patterns, see beyond the 3 dimensional world we live in. You may see possibility and potential (one of my most power gifts). You may see timelines and paradigms. You may see past lives. You may see how to shift out of challenge. Everyone’s Oracular gifts will express in different ways… and there is no one RIGHT way to do it!!
So… the next question is… Well… HOW do I do that???
Here’s how:
You pick a modality. And you study it.
It doesn’t really matter which one. What matter is you feel the calling of your Soul.
Then you follow your intrigue
And if that is Numerology… let’s walk this path together.
Because developing your Oracular Magic requires devotion and...
What has this whole entire year been for???
If you are wondering... come to the Dec forecast. It will bring you SO much clarity!! I will share what the challenges AND opportunities will be this month. So you can work WITH the energy (rather than against it). More so than usual, Dec is going to be a "set up" month for 2024... because it's a 1 energy. 2024 is all about momentum and infinite abundance. Where the law of compound interest kicks in.
Which means... our energy in Dec matters.
In this potent 7 energy…I am feeling the intensity spark.
And I just want to remind you... that we were MADE for times like these.
We, at the Soul level, have chosen this experience.
We are perfectly equipped to handle it.
Of course, we aren't perfect.
Of course, we will mess it up, get it wrong, flounder and sputter.
We don't see or realize the timeline adjustments that are unfolding in our floundering.
We don't realize the wrinkles we are ironing out in our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th try.
So if you are in the midst of floundering right now... does it help to remember:
there is a strength growing within you.
That this is activating an initiation.
That the magic of 7 is the illusions... that stuff is happening underground, deep within... even if you can't see the physical evidence YET.
I am curious... Are you feeling what's brewing deep within right now?
Numerology is the most powerful tool to help you understand, Alchemize and activatate these shifts that are bubbling...
Someone asked me the other day...Why Numerology?
And it sent me for a rip down memory lane...
Because when I was told I was too much… too sensitive, too talkative, too bossy… it helped me find my superpower as a sensitive, intuitive teacher who could very clearly see pathways to potential and possibility.
Because we are surrounded by energy all the time. And it is all around us to support us, help us and guide us to fulfill our goals, desires and dreams. We simply need to interpre it, and understand it. And work with it.
Because life isn’t meant to be punitive. Our challenges aren’t here to hurt us. In fact, they are an initiation.
Our challenges initiate us into greater levels of our potential and our gifts.
They are HOW we develop potency and mastery over our gifts.
Because when we face hard things… we aren’t meant to freeze, pull back, shrink or stop.
We are meant to find our centre, and activate Alchemy
Challenges are...
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