Money, Numerology & Business ALL use the Language of Numbers to amplify energy

“So you were talking about Numerology… but now you are talking about Money?”

Someone asked me this the other day. Fair enough. This powerful connection may not be obvious... YET. 

Yes, I am.  And here’s why.

When I teach people Numerology… their intuition opens up in the MOST beautiful ways. They learn to trust themselves. They understand the currents and the flows of energy in the universe. They understand alignment… and how to BE in alignment… and can share this with others too.

However… when I see people attempt to share their magical gifts with the world… I see soooo many people tense up. Freeze. Get riddled with insecurity and indecision… and it’s like a heavy weight on their intuition.

Money and Business can create a heavy burden on those who are sensitive to energy. It can limit their ability to share their gifts with the world.

In working with thousands of people over the years… I have...

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Annoying AF link between Money and Creativity... it's a bit sticky 😬


This might feel super annoying... I know it did to me, when I first realized this. But now that I know, I can't unsee it

Your relationship with Money and your ability to be creative are at the same set point

The degree to which you feel safe and secure with Money is directly proportionate to the degree to which your life force energy is lit up.

It makes sense, doesn’t it? But it might also be a little... cringy... when you realize how MUCH these two elements are intertwined.

When we are in fear, in scarcity, in lack… it’s near impossible to be creative.

And yet… to grow and expand our income, to come up with creative business ideas, to build our body of work, to share it with others, to be compensated for our gifts...
REQUIRES our creativity.

‍‍‍ Kinda feels like a catch-22 doesn’t it?  Or the chicken and the egg problem….

You need Money to be creative.
You need to be creative to make Money ‍

And we can swirl...

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This makes me CRAZY πŸ€ͺ

It’s NOT money you truly want.
Let me say that again... it's NOT the MONEY!!

Stop obsessing over MONEY for MONEY’S sake!!!
It's repelling Money. It's a turn-off. 

And when you put all that pressure on money, it slips away… like squeezing sand in your hand.
It’s not money you want.

You THINK Money will buy you something.. 

And most people are even a little vague on that.

So… let’s get clear on that shall we? 
We need to give our Money a clear job!

Because  when money has a job, and it knows what’s expected of it, it’s energy can be channeled so much more effectively!!

Want to travel?
Want more freedom?
Time with your kids?
A more comfortable home?
Room to breathe?
Feeling safe?
Buying higher quality food?

Ok this is a great start... and...Arguably... even these things aren't what you actually desire.

You desire the FEELING these things give you

Let's use travel as an example... you think it will give you freedom,...

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August Energy Forecast - 7 energy month!

While June was about relationships with others, August is about your relationship with self-trust, risk taking, and how to have your own back as you make the moves that your Soul longs for.

Key themes that emerge:

creating the right safety to be able to take the risks you are guided by your heart and soul.

the necessity of healthy interconnected relationships.

allowing your relationship and the way you are with money to transform.

Podcast on building a solid friend network - Episode 31 of the Alchemy of Numbers with Meaghan Alton 

Healing Currency Money Archetype Quiz: 



Comment below and let me know... what is your #1 takeaway??

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Burnout, and how Spirit called me out πŸ™ˆ

Last month I got sick... so sick my eye swelled shut (I'll spare you the gross photo) and I had to cancel calls!! Which I rarely do. But it caused me to slow down for a few weeks... and I sat with the question "What am I not seeing clearly?"

And the answers came through hot and heavy. 

I have known for YEARS that there are some projects that I need to move forward on... and they sat on the back burner. I wasn't making progress on them... even though I was clearly guided to do so. And every time I procrastinated on them... my inner spark grew more and more dull. My intuitive downloads and ideas slowed down... until they came to a screeching halt.  

The message from Spirit was loud and clear "You say you want answers to move forward.  You received answers, but you aren't taking action on them. Why the heck would you receive MORE when you aren't moving forward on what you already have??"

I was sitting on something I was excited about... but I wasn't taking action to...

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🍾 A message in a bottle πŸ€—

I scribbled something on a piece of paper… and doodled hearts and stars and bubbles around the edges. I shoved it into the bottle… and walked down the steep hill in the hot sun. As I walked, my mind began to wander...

Who would find my bottle?
What would they think?
Would they phone me?
How long would it take?
How would they feel?

I tossed it into the lake… with so much hope, excitement… and a knowing that the bottle would find someone I was destined to connect with.

As a little girl, I knew there were others out there who desired to connect with me. I knew magic happens when Soul Aligned people come together.

I see all of us as puzzle pieces 
We all have the little piece that sticks out… this is our medicine. The gift we carry. The energy we have that others desire to experience. It is what we are here to share and contribute with others. This is the “answer” energy you carry.

And we all have the little hole, the little empty...

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🀯What even IS Numerology? let's break this down.

Let's get back to basics shall we?

What even IS Numerology? 

It is the Language of Numbers to interpret energy. There are number patterns all around us... and Numerology simply helps us to interpret them! It is a powerful tool that can help you articulate and language something you may sense on some level... because we can all sense energy... but this gives you a way to be clear and specific!

How do we use Numerology?

There are 3 key ways we can use it...

  1. Understanding the energy and personality of people - ourselves, clients and loved ones. We can look at your birth chart, the blueprint of your Soul. And we can see where you may experience challenges, where you may sabotage or have blindspots. And we can also see where your gifts lay, what opportunities are available for you, how you are meant to make an impact and contribute. We can see what motivates you, how you learn, and how your energy flows.  When you look at multiple charts together, you can also start to...
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July Numerology Energy Forecast

July in for relationships and honouring your SOUL GIFTS! 

It's a month of integration, recalibration... and setting your sacred container (hello boundaries!!)

Key themes this month include:

NO MORE biting your tongue to make others feel ok. It's time to speak your truth, and learn to trust yourself to say what needs to be said. Practicing forgiveness and grace if you don't get it perfectly.   

Family, friends and loved ones are a priority! Are you investing the time and energy into those most important to you? Let yourself LOVE up on those who love you... I always say it's wonderful to be loved by a 6!

Expansion of your Soul Gifts. Its a funny thing. When you stop playing small to please others, or biting your tongue to not rock the boat... you will experience a RUSH of increased life force energy. Direct it to your Soul Gifts!! You will experience upgrades in your gifts! 

As you know, in the forecast I share ALLLL the details of the month ahead...

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My colleague called me crazy. 😬 But I did it anyway.

I did something this week... that many people thought was a bad idea.

In fact, a colleague even called me crazy.

It was too much work.
It was going to take too much time.
People wouldn't appreciate the efforts I made.
I had no way of knowing if it would benefit me at all.

But I did it anyway.

Because we have to allow space for those intuitive nudges and divine downloads...even if others think we are NUTS.

BUT... here is the KEY.

We MUST follow them up with strategy.

This is NOT optional. If you DON'T follow with the strategy, you WILL:

Exhaust yourself.
Burn yourself out.
Over give.
Get resentful.

Which is a recipe for you to crash... and take even LONGER to recover than whatever gains you made in the first place (‍yes, lol, I am talking from experience here ).

So... I received the divine guidance. I took action. And I followed up with strategy.

And to be honest? I feel freaking incredible!!!!

I had FUN.
I provided incredible VALUE.
I served my community, and they were deeply grateful.

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So, I'm about to get super vulnerable with you 😬 & share one of my biggest fears.

First, I am so happy you are here. Can you feel that? 

Just breath it in for a minute. I am deeply grateful for you. I love connecting with you. I can feel this connection in my heart and soul, and it means so much to me.

And I just want you to know... since you have chosen to be on this wild and crazy ride with me... that I am going to get a heck of a lot more Real. Loud. Transparent. Clear. And sassy with you.

So... back to my biggest fear. Ready for it?

I am terrified of being too much.

Ooff.  I can feel the echos of that. You may feel it too.

And, I know. As I write it out... most people who know me think that I'm pretty confident and grounded in myself. I, mostly, know who I am. And yes, this is true.

But I have this little voice in the back of my head who snarks at me every so often. And it sounds like:

"Don't be too loud. Don't take up too much space. Don't laugh so hard. Don't be so opinionated. Don't be so excitable. Don't be so wild."

It tells me:

"Just chill....

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