How to Reclaim Your Power in 2025: A Journey Back to Your Authentic Self

Do you ever feel like you're not truly living your life, like something's missing? 2025 is a year charged with the transformative energy of the number nine, it is a year that offers a rare opportunity to step into your power and rediscover who you truly are. 

Maybe the challenges of recent years dimmed your inner light, or perhaps you’ve felt disconnected from your purpose. Whatever your journey, this is the year to reclaim your truth, set boundaries, and shine unapologetically. In this blog we’re going to explore how to embrace this energy, why it matters, and practical ways to harness it for your growth.


What Does It Mean to Reclaim Your Power?
Reclaiming your power means reconnecting with your essence—the part of you that thrives on authenticity, passion, and self-trust. Over time, life’s demands, societal expectations, and self-doubt can weigh us down, making it easy to lose sight of our core selves. But here’s the good news: 2025 invites...

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✨Do you see number patterns?

Are you obsessed with numbers like I am ?? ‍

Do you see repeating patterns?? Or really notice specific numbers coming up for you?

Numbers contain energy. They also have a self-actualizing potential. What this means is they can POINT you towards your goals, desires and greater fulfillment in life
The numbers are LITERALLY a MAP to your best life.

The energy numbers show us contains a polarity.

One side shows us the challenge, struggle and sabotage. Um... like my extreme sensitivity.
The other side shows us potential, possibility, expansion and evolution. Like my powerful intuition and ability to connect energetically.

So... when you see a number, you are being presented with an opportunity.

Do I choose sabotage? Or possibility?

Do I struggle? Or lean into growth?

And if you understand the message the number carries... as well as how it interacts with your personal Code... it becomes an opportunity rich with awareness and guidance.

I teach numerology as an empowerment tool.

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Controversial opinion: what you reject about yourself is 🗝

What you reject about yourself... is ACTUALLY your super power

I spent so much of my life thinking I was too sensitive. Too talkative. Too emotional.

Turns out... you can see this in my Code.

My sensitivity WAS a problem... when I was pushing it away, shoving it down... and disconnecting from it.

But... as soon as I saw it as a STRENGTH, and a GIFT... I embraced it.

I embodied it.

And something magical happened.

My light turned on. My magnetism ramped up. I was on fire

Do you love Numbers??? ‍

Do you see repeating patterns?? Or really notice specific numbers coming up for you?

Numbers contain energy. They also have a self-actualizing potential.

The energy contains a polarity. One side shows us the challenge, struggle and sabotage. Um... like my extreme sensitivity.

The other side shows us potential, possibility, expansion and evolution. Like my powerful intuition and ability to connect energetically.

So... when you see a number, you are being presented with an opportunity.


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