You can trust yourself.
Even if you have messed up in the past.
Even if you have made mistakes.
Even if you felt like have gotten it wrong before.
Please… the one thing you should never give up on is yourself.
Trusting yourself means investing in yourself.
With time, energy and resources.
It means learning your YES and your NO.
And following through with radical self-care, boundaries and love.
Don’t let the ups and downs of your past decide your future for you.
What if you decided that today was a fresh start.
A brand new timeline.
And that thing you desire?
It’s fully possible for you.
And you only have one job.
To go within.
And to trust yourself.
To never stop listening to the longing in your Heart.
To notice the nudging of your Soul.
Then to follow it up with the action in your Body.
To give yourself a big hug… then take a step forward.
And see what happens when you mindfully cultivate...
August is a 6 energy month... join me as I dive deep into what that means for you, and the specific dates and energy you can work with to support your goals and desires!!
Let’s not sugar coat things. Life has been intense lately, hasn’t it?
When I was 27, I worked for the provincial government forecasting revenue for the budget.
I looked at all kinds of stats, data and numbers…and I found patterns and relationships. Based on the relationships I saw… I would predict the revenue for the province.
When I was 22, I worked for a firm doing economic development work with indigenous communities. Using numbers to help them reclaim sovereignty.
Numbers contain energy.
And numbers have always spoken to me.
They aren’t arbitrary.
They are precise.
A formula gives you an answer… it’s not made up.
It’s not imaginary.
It’s not subjective.
Understanding Codes and Numbers is an ancient art and science… the practice I share is over 6,500 years old. It is a living, breathing field of work that has evolved over time, but it is rooted in an ancient understanding.
I love Numerology because it bridges the grounded, practical results of numbers… with understanding and...
Key themes include: Freedom & Playfulness Wealth & Worthiness Breaking free from consensus Tune in for details and important dates!!
Did we forget that this is the YEAR OF THE ORACLE????
I have been receiving notes and msgs... people asking me to help them understand what is happening to them. Feeling confused. Feeling uncertain. Questioning things... feeling like they are a bit in the dark of the unknown.
Has this happened to you?
I have good news... lol... it does NOT mean everything is falling apart.
It actually means everything is falling together!!!
It is an activation of your SOUL WISDOM and SOUL GIFTS
If you have asked to strengthen your PURPOSE. To power on your GIFTS. To share and contribute with your SOUL WISDOM... let me guess.
You have been going through it over the last few months? Like sticky, hard, crunchy time.
And some weird synchronicities have happened... little evidence of miracles and magic... sometimes feeling so small, they are almost imperceptible...but you see them, and can't ignore them.
Your dreams are POTENT and possibly SUPER WEIRD.
Let me share with you... could it be an activation...
Not gonna lie.
I LOVE 4 energy.
Sometimes I think I have 4 envy... it's not an energy I naturally run in my Code. But it does circle around every so often to serve us.
And June is 4 energy.
I know that many of you have been feeling and sensing changes, shifts, adjustments lately.
Old patterns clearing, new patterns emerging.
Paradigm and timeline shifts.
Karmic adjustments.
But sometimes... do you also feel a little ungrounded in it? Like - I feel this... but I don't SEE evidence of it?
Well... you are gonna LOVE June.
June is where you will start to see bits and pieces of the physical evidence appear.
Things you may have sensed or intuited... will start to see physical form.
Curious as to how this will play out?
My 5 yo daughter Mira has a love of all things unicorn, crystal and magic. She loves to make potions and cast spells.
She found a potion bottle, and has had so much fun making potions, enchanting them with a spell, then drinking them.
The other day, while at my sister’s house… she asked my sister’s partner to help her make a potion. He dug around for some food colouring, and they created a beautiful coloured concoction.
She swirled it around, and said out loud “I wish for candy to fall from the sky!” and of course, repeated it 3 times.
My sister’s partner registered shock on his face… her wish was so doable! He quickly grabbed a candy, and tossed it in the air behind her… and as it landed at her feet… her brother yelled “That doesn’t count!! Tyler threw it!!”
They have this funny vibe between them… her trying to prove magic exists, him trying to disprove it.
But here’s the thing.
Someone asked me the other day HOW I got into Numerology.
And it was SO fun going down these memories of my journey.
I wasn’t always intuitive. In fact, I didn’t think I had any intuition at all.
But 10 years ago I started my business as a business coach… I worked with online businesses, brick and mortar companies… an eyeglass store, a construction company… it was SO much fun, and so rewarding.
Since I studied business in University, and have a Master's degree in Economics, becoming a business coach seemed a complete natural step!
And at the same time I was on a journey to understand energy and intuition. And when I came across Numerology, my mind was blown.
I couldn’t get it out of my mind.
So I studied… and I started to do the charts of my biz clients on the DL… totally behind the scenes.
And the results informed HOW I coached and advised them.
AND their results skyrocketed. I was even surprised.
And they...
May energy is
There are opportunities for new models of leadership... new ways of being. If you desire to step up your leadership... to be of service, to be visible, to be available to give and receive... in flow and in abundance with the Divine Law of Compensation.
Yes, abundance.
There will be powerful new ideas coming through about your future, your work (inner work and outer work).
Insights for what's next for you.
And massive creative energy that is here to support you!!
50% Complete
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