🤔How many of these are true for you?

How many of these apply to you?
  1. You see number patterns frequently.
  2. You notice signs and synchronicities more often than seems like a "coincidence".
  3. You don't believe in coincidence 😉
  4. You sense things... whether it's an inner knowing, a gut feeling, or something you can't really put your finger on.
  5. You think of someone, and they text you or you see them shortly after.
  6. Your friends come to you for advice, guidance, or a listening ear.
  7. You are easily overcome with emotion... both the beautiful sweetness of life, but also the challenges and struggles of life.
  8. You know you have a path of destiny... but you also know you play a HUGE role in activating your destiny. And you want more clear directions on HOW to help it unfold.
  9. You often receive insights for others, and you aren't always sure what to do with them.
  10. You often question what feels surface-level, you have a craving for depth, and you want to understand the greater meaning.

If you resonate with even a handful of these, it...
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Controversial opinion: what you reject about yourself is 🗝

What you reject about yourself... is ACTUALLY your super power

I spent so much of my life thinking I was too sensitive. Too talkative. Too emotional.

Turns out... you can see this in my Code.

My sensitivity WAS a problem... when I was pushing it away, shoving it down... and disconnecting from it.

But... as soon as I saw it as a STRENGTH, and a GIFT... I embraced it.

I embodied it.

And something magical happened.

My light turned on. My magnetism ramped up. I was on fire

Do you love Numbers??? ‍

Do you see repeating patterns?? Or really notice specific numbers coming up for you?

Numbers contain energy. They also have a self-actualizing potential.

The energy contains a polarity. One side shows us the challenge, struggle and sabotage. Um... like my extreme sensitivity.

The other side shows us potential, possibility, expansion and evolution. Like my powerful intuition and ability to connect energetically.

So... when you see a number, you are being presented with an opportunity.


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🔥The thing that lit my Intuition on FIRE

Can I share a story with you?

I remember the day I discovered my Code. I remember time standing still... I could feel my heart beating in my chest and the words echoed in my head... and it was like the world around me froze, just for a moment.

"Your deep sensitivity is your greatest strength."

I replayed the phrase several times. I sat a little taller in my chair. My greatest strength?? All my life I tried to distance myself from my sensitivity. I had been told I was TOO sensitive, felt too deeply. And so, I turned down the volume, and disassociated from it.

But... when I heard this phrase... my soul resonated with the truth of the words. I could feel them so deeply. I instantly knew it was right.

My sensitivity was NOT an accident. It was a divine gift. I simply needed to learn how to work with it masterfully.

In that moment, I made a commitment to myself. I was going to honour my gifts and my strengths by developing them, and leaning into them... because I knew they were the key...

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May Energy Forecast - Numerology Codes for this month!

Key themes for the month include leadership, structure and foundation, and nervous system regulation. There will be key changes unfolding, and it is our job to create the foundations that will support us to feel safe and grounded through the changes. There is a BIG opportunity for an Abundance Activation... tune in for the specific dates! 

If you want to find out HOW this energy will unfold specifically FOR YOU... download the Tarot Numerology Layout to find out!!

And send me a DM via Instagram here, or email me at and let me know... what are you most excited about for May?

You can also listen to it here- Apple PodcastsSpotify.

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✨Connect with the Consciousness of your Business

When you create a "line in the sand" moment, what you are actually doing is activating a new timeline.
And I want to share exactly how in a moment.

But first, on this fresh and shiny new month... let's do a little check-in, shall we?

Check-in with the Consciousness of Your Business

Take a minute, close your eyes, and take a few grounding breaths in.
You may want to hold a crystal in your hand, or apply some essential oil to center you.

Bring into your mind's eye, or into your awareness that your business has consciousness. It has it's own energetic makeup, and you are co-creating with it.

You may picture it as a colour, or a random form, or even an animal or a tree or an element of nature. You may simply sense it. It doesn't really matter how it appears to you.
Take a moment to acknowledge it with curiosity and wonder.

Then ask it these questions:

How are you doing, really?
What do you most want and need?
How can I better support you?

Pull out your journal... and let the answers flow....

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April Numerology Energy Forecast - Deepest self-expression and abundance of creativity

April is a fired-up energy month!! It's asking for your deepest self-expression... no more holding back on what you truly feel and know as your truth.

Your relationship with money will come up as well... particularly in highlighting where money has been a villain or a bully in your life.

I also go into the numerology of the solar eclipse on April 8, as well as a few other key dates for April.

If you would like to receive a personalized Numerology forecast based on your unique energy, check out my website: www.MeaghanAlton.com And click "book in with Meaghan" or send me a note!!


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Lack of business growth? 💡Here's what to do.

Going through the assessments you've sent me... and there are a few challenges that EVERYONE seems to be facing.

If you are experiencing an income plateau, or stagnancy in your business... here is exactly HOW to shift it

1.  Check your mindset and beliefs.

You are SUCH a powerful being. That you will PROVE YOURSELF right every time. If you believe that people aren't spending money, and the business climate is tough?  Guess what... you will prove yourself right. It will subtly affect your ability to see opportunities and take action.

Remind yourself that there are other possibilities.

I was talking to a friend about this the other day... and apparently Home Depot kept selling out of the 40 foot skeleton at Halloween. They just couldn't keep them in stock, they were selling instantly.

And so... I remind myself.  People have money to spend. They will buy what matters to them. They will spend money if it's important to them!!

Which means... we have work to do! It's...

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Golden Friday and the Money Game⭐️

Is your Money happy?  Have you asked it?

When you spend money on things that are valuable to you...

Things that are precious.

Things that reflect your values and priorities. Your health, your business, your dreams, your family, freedom, connection, spiritual growth, your soul gifts.

These areas in your life get to appreciate.... they get to grow and expand!

But when you spend money out of guilt, obligation, expectation, or just mindlessness... you are investing in these energies. And the low vibes will also grow.

So... putting on my hat as an Intuitive Economist here... want to play the Money Game with me?

This is a fun little game that will help you grow your priorities, feel more fulfillment in your spending habits, and invest in whats truly precious and valuable to you. Because you will spend money.

So let's make it Happy Money, shall we?

Money Game Rules

1. Check in with your money. Check your bank balance. Pay it some attention (have you thought about the energetics of...

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March Numerology Energy Forecast

t's a 2 energy month!!

Highlighting connection, collaboration and your intuition! There will also be themes around releasing, karmic adjustment, and integrating an abundance experience that is more fulfilling and aligned. I share special days, such as the abundance portal, karmic adjustment day, and a day for re-writing the rules!

Let me know below... what landed for you?

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🦋You've been burned, I get it.

You’ve been burned.

You're frozen… unable to move forward.

Like really stuck.


‍ Let me ask you… have you tried to move forward on something, only to have it fail? Or result in so much struggle?

Um yes. Me too. We all have. ‍


There are times when we struggle and fail, the sense of discouragement, rejection, and sadness feels very familiar.

It’s a reminder that you have failed before. 

That you have been sentenced to struggle before.

That you didn’t succeed last time.

That you can’t create the outcomes you truly want.


And that puts you in a freeze mode. In this holding cell. Unable to move forward.

You WANT to move forward, you truly do. But you quite literally don’t know HOW to move forward.

There was an imprint created that when you try to go after your dreams, your goals, your desires… you will face failure.

And it is dangerous to fail.


‍ This is another version of the Witch Wound...

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