Reclaiming Marketing as a Healing Practice

Why is it that the people who most STRUGGLE with marketing are those whose gifts are of greatest benefit to us?? 

Many entrepreneurs, particularly those who are sensitive to energy, struggle with marketing because they’ve been exposed to manipulative, scarcity-based tactics. These strategies, often rooted in fear and urgency feel repulsive... and NO WONDER we are resistant to that!!

But here’s the important truth: It’s not marketing itself that’s the problem—it’s the energy behind it. 

Reclaiming Marketing as a Healing Practice. 

What if marketing were seen as a sacred extension of your work? Instead of separating marketing from your healing practice, Magnetic Marketing integrates it as part of the transformation your clients experience. 

It’s not just about making a sale—it's about helping your clients prepare energetically for the changes they will go through as they work with you. Think of your marketing as...

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✨Connect with the Consciousness of your Business

When you create a "line in the sand" moment, what you are actually doing is activating a new timeline.
And I want to share exactly how in a moment.

But first, on this fresh and shiny new month... let's do a little check-in, shall we?

Check-in with the Consciousness of Your Business

Take a minute, close your eyes, and take a few grounding breaths in.
You may want to hold a crystal in your hand, or apply some essential oil to center you.

Bring into your mind's eye, or into your awareness that your business has consciousness. It has it's own energetic makeup, and you are co-creating with it.

You may picture it as a colour, or a random form, or even an animal or a tree or an element of nature. You may simply sense it. It doesn't really matter how it appears to you.
Take a moment to acknowledge it with curiosity and wonder.

Then ask it these questions:

How are you doing, really?
What do you most want and need?
How can I better support you?

Pull out your journal... and let the answers flow....

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