β€œIt’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”

“It’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”
a client who just signed up for the Mentorship. 

But WHY is this so important?

I need to unpack this with you a little. 

The energetics matter because:

Every strategy has merit to it. NOT every strategy will work for every person or business. Why? Because different Energetic Codes need to do things a little differently.

This is WHY I create a customized Numerology-informed business plan for each of you in the Abundant Business Mentorship.

I will share with you exactly what your strengths are... and what energies are MOST supportive to you. AND I will share what energies will challenge you, and how you can navigate them.

Intuition is CRITICAL in business. And it can easily get buried underneath the "prescribed rules of business" when you fall into the trap of doing what you "should" do rather than what is energetically aligned for you. YES, you will have to do hard...

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πŸ”₯The thing that lit my Intuition on FIRE

Can I share a story with you?

I remember the day I discovered my Code. I remember time standing still... I could feel my heart beating in my chest and the words echoed in my head... and it was like the world around me froze, just for a moment.

"Your deep sensitivity is your greatest strength."

I replayed the phrase several times. I sat a little taller in my chair. My greatest strength?? All my life I tried to distance myself from my sensitivity. I had been told I was TOO sensitive, felt too deeply. And so, I turned down the volume, and disassociated from it.

But... when I heard this phrase... my soul resonated with the truth of the words. I could feel them so deeply. I instantly knew it was right.

My sensitivity was NOT an accident. It was a divine gift. I simply needed to learn how to work with it masterfully.

In that moment, I made a commitment to myself. I was going to honour my gifts and my strengths by developing them, and leaning into them... because I knew they were the key...

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My controversial opinion - it needs to be said. It's time to see this fallacy for what it is.

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What if... the way we have been looking at our challenges is ALL WRONG?

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