β€œIt’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”

“It’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”
a client who just signed up for the Mentorship. 

But WHY is this so important?

I need to unpack this with you a little. 

The energetics matter because:

Every strategy has merit to it. NOT every strategy will work for every person or business. Why? Because different Energetic Codes need to do things a little differently.

This is WHY I create a customized Numerology-informed business plan for each of you in the Abundant Business Mentorship.

I will share with you exactly what your strengths are... and what energies are MOST supportive to you. AND I will share what energies will challenge you, and how you can navigate them.

Intuition is CRITICAL in business. And it can easily get buried underneath the "prescribed rules of business" when you fall into the trap of doing what you "should" do rather than what is energetically aligned for you. YES, you will have to do hard...

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My colleague called me crazy. 😬 But I did it anyway.

I did something this week... that many people thought was a bad idea.

In fact, a colleague even called me crazy.

It was too much work.
It was going to take too much time.
People wouldn't appreciate the efforts I made.
I had no way of knowing if it would benefit me at all.

But I did it anyway.

Because we have to allow space for those intuitive nudges and divine downloads...even if others think we are NUTS.

BUT... here is the KEY.

We MUST follow them up with strategy.

This is NOT optional. If you DON'T follow with the strategy, you WILL:

Exhaust yourself.
Burn yourself out.
Over give.
Get resentful.

Which is a recipe for you to crash... and take even LONGER to recover than whatever gains you made in the first place (‍yes, lol, I am talking from experience here ).

So... I received the divine guidance. I took action. And I followed up with strategy.

And to be honest? I feel freaking incredible!!!!

I had FUN.
I provided incredible VALUE.
I served my community, and they were deeply grateful.

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πŸ”₯The thing that lit my Intuition on FIRE

Can I share a story with you?

I remember the day I discovered my Code. I remember time standing still... I could feel my heart beating in my chest and the words echoed in my head... and it was like the world around me froze, just for a moment.

"Your deep sensitivity is your greatest strength."

I replayed the phrase several times. I sat a little taller in my chair. My greatest strength?? All my life I tried to distance myself from my sensitivity. I had been told I was TOO sensitive, felt too deeply. And so, I turned down the volume, and disassociated from it.

But... when I heard this phrase... my soul resonated with the truth of the words. I could feel them so deeply. I instantly knew it was right.

My sensitivity was NOT an accident. It was a divine gift. I simply needed to learn how to work with it masterfully.

In that moment, I made a commitment to myself. I was going to honour my gifts and my strengths by developing them, and leaning into them... because I knew they were the key...

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πŸ“– Story time: How I became a Numerologist - A trip down memory lane!

Someone asked me the other day HOW I got into Numerology.

And it was SO fun going down these memories of my journey.

I wasn’t always intuitive.  In fact, I didn’t think I had any intuition at all.

But 10 years ago I started my business as a business coach… I worked with online businesses, brick and mortar companies… an eyeglass store, a construction company… it was SO much fun, and so rewarding.

Since I studied business in University, and have a Master's degree in Economics, becoming a business coach seemed a complete natural step!

And at the same time I was on a journey to understand energy and intuition.  And when I came across Numerology, my mind was blown.

I couldn’t get it out of my mind.

So I studied… and I started to do the charts of my biz clients on the DL… totally behind the scenes. 

And the results informed HOW I coached and advised them.

AND their results skyrocketed.  I was even surprised.

And they...

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Practical Numerology, practical, tangible, and applied.

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I went for a walk with my friend Lea. She told me it takes hearing something 8 times before we believe it.

I went for a walk yesterday my friend Lea. She told me it takes hearing something 8 times before we believe it.
In my work I talk a lot about the believability index.
Let me ask you a question.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how strong is your belief:
That you are powerful? Capable
That you are infinitely supported and deeply guided by your intuition
That your intuition is always bringing you closer to your highest good?
That you can use your intuition to support your clients, your work, your business and your wealth?
Answer honestly to yourself - there is no right or wrong.
But know this. Your believability is NOT fixed.
It changes daily, even moment to moment. It changes based on thought patterns habits and actions you take every single day.
So knowing this… You can choose.
To make these statements true for you...your job is to simply increase your believability index.
It doesn’t just happen from one practice or one...
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