Sometimes it feels like the world takes so much, doesn’t it?
It can feel like no matter how much you do, there is someone or something asking for more.
It feels like you have tried so hard to create the ease you crave.
You have tried working harder, being more structured, being more focused.
You have tried resting, integrating self-care, and tried to be more in flow.
And yet… it feels like the ease and alignment you crave is just out of reach.
What if I told you that it doesn’t matter HOW well you DO the things (being productive balanced with self-care).
It’s not your PROCESS that is faulty.
Love, you aren’t doing it wrong.
You may simply be painting with a watered-down colour.
It may be tinted with the colours of those around you… those who inspire and influence you.
It may be faint with exhaustion of all the years of trying so hard to walk down a path that wasn’t fully right for you.
It may be dull with living up to the ideas and...
A while back, I started getting intrigued by cold water plunges.
Why? I don't know. But I could let the idea go. Even though I HATE the cold.
For some reason I felt drawn to try it. A magnetic pull.
And at the same time... I was terrified.
Would I get hypothermia? Would my body shut down? What if something went wrong? Would this hurt me? And... really... I was terrified of being so freaking cold.
And here is the relationship between intuition and fear.
Your intuition pulls you. It's when something catches your attention, and draws you in.
And your fear pushes you away. It may cause you to freeze or run away. It creates resistance against the very thing your intuition is asking you to explore.
I felt this push/pull fear/intuition dichotomy so many times in my life. Maybe you have too?
When I was pregnant with my first baby, and my intuition was asking me to do things differently than what I observed around me.
When I had a seemingly secure and stable corporate career that paid...
So I did a thing. Three times actually.
I went into the freezing cold lake this winter..... Almost freezing temperatures. For 2+ mins.
Crazy right?
I'm the kinda girl who HATES to be cold. Who loves the beach.. when its 30+ degrees! Who would take baking hot over chilly any day.
But it was one of those things that called to me. Intrigued me. And I couldn't get the idea go.
So when my friend Anna invited me, I had to say yes.
The first time... there was a group of us. Anna walked us through a breathing exercise and told us what to expect. And it was HARD. But I also felt supported, and with my friends... and really the conditions were set for me to be successful.
But the next Sunday... no one showed up. I was the only one there, doing the plunge.
Would I remember the breathing technique?
What if something went wrong?
Who would l look to for support, for encouragement?
And... truth be told... I was just plain old scared!!
I did have a friend with me, who...
One year ago, I test drove a new vehicle.
As soon as I sat in the vehicle... it felt familiar. Like home. Natural. So comfortable.
Then life got busy, and I put it off.
I took a mindful pause over December. I slowed down. And... guess what popped up?
The vehicle I test drove.
Despite being told it would be a 4-6 month wait to get the one I wanted... One landed in my lap. With a 1 month wait.
It arrived 1 week before my birthday.
It felt like a physical manifestation of my values - freedom, adventure and connection.
It felt like an expression of my independence. I can go up to the ski hill without getting stuck, I can drive down any back road I want for the perfect camping spot.
It felt like an acknowledgement of my landing, grounded and secure, as a single mama of 3. An expression of knowingness... that I am safe, and I am ok. And I am so much more than that... I am also abundant and I am thriving.
But... for some reason... I hesitated to celebrate it. I couldn't...
Are you a deep feeler?
Do you sense energy and information that is unseen?
Your skills will feel like they are on steroids this month! You will feel very connected to those around you, and highly sensitive to energy, information and emotions. Everyone will. This is an incredibly important energy as we are going through big changes.
It is a time where co-regulation and interdependence is critical. It is the time to find people who will be with you, in your process, and support you to step into your power even more this month. We will strongly benefit from connection and collaboration. And our challenge will be in staying with ourselves, and trusting ourselves, even when the world around us may doubt us.
The solution is not isolation and hyper independence... the solution is trusting yourself to take the actions needed to find people who you can grow and expand with... as you are all on your path of evolution. Finding bridges, creating solutions, seeing opportunities will all be...
There's something you should know about me.
I love to make my birthday a big deal. I want an extended birthday celebration. I like to celebrate myself... unapologetically.
It is how I acknowledge my one Wildly Sacred Life. It is an honouring of how I choose to live my life... and how I want to move forward.
I started a ritual, which has become incredibly meaningful to me. Inspired by one of my besties Jackie McDonald... and it has become one of my most favourite practices!
First... I sit and honour the journey I have been on. I celebrate myself.
For my accomplishments, the tough choices I made, the risks I took, the investments I made, the values I expanded, and the delight I choose.
Where I choose myself, and the life that really matters to me.
Second... I take time to acknowledge what I am ready to leave in the past. Usually these are habits or belief systems that,...
We are entering a new era.
It used to be that external signalling (often with an energy of proving) was important.
And while I am certainly not going to deny that education, collaboration, skills and experience aren't important (of course they are!!)... there is a new priority.
Leadership sourced from intuition, energetic connection, and collaboration.
We are in the era of the Rise of the Intuitive Leader... and it starts April 1.
Creating a new way forward is going to require different skills than those we needed in the past.
Your FELT sense and you INTUITIVE sense are more important than ever.
And... I need you to know. These are LEARNABLE skills.
There is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" approach. We all have very different energy, and we are all...
Finding and reclaiming your truth.
It's not really lost though, is it?
It's deep within you. It doesn't disappear. But it does get buried under layers of expectation, judgement, and conditions.
So you slowly lose touch with it.. imperceptibly.
This is where you will feel ungrounded, disoriented, confused. Not certain of how to move forward, or even what is true.
So much about 2022 is about reclaiming YOU, your TRUTH, your CODE. So you can be aligned with your centre, and activating your power.
This means that pedestals must fall.
That places you have leaked your power must be reclaimed.
That you must find your inner compass, and prioritize it. Even when - especially when - others are disappointed by you.
Your power is inalienable. Let's help you find the compass to reclaim it, shall we?
This is March energy. Come to my live training in Facebook tomorrow at 11:30 PST.
I will share how the energy will unfold, and how you can leverage it to support you and your goals.
How are you feeling about the start of the year?
I notice an interesting energy, where people feel pressured to "get it right."
Set goals and intentions by Jan 1;
Have a clear focus, after spending an hour reflecting; and
Feel momentum kick in... like now.
Um... can we just take a deep breath together please? This is NOT real.
You don't need to rush yourself love. You have all the time and space you need... energy alignment FIRST will create ease and flow in the decision making and action taking stage of the game!!
Aligning energy takes time, presence and mindfulness.
Rushing does not do you any favours... if anything, it will cause you to be held back.
This year, we are surrounded by so much love and support (hello nurturing 6 energy!!). We also have the entire month of January to explore with curiosity and experiment.
Then in February, an 8 energy month, we will kick into the infinite flow of momentum.
So babe, take your time now. Go slow, be...
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