β€œIt’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”

“It’s because you understand the ENERGETICS and the business strategy.”
a client who just signed up for the Mentorship. 

But WHY is this so important?

I need to unpack this with you a little. 

The energetics matter because:

Every strategy has merit to it. NOT every strategy will work for every person or business. Why? Because different Energetic Codes need to do things a little differently.

This is WHY I create a customized Numerology-informed business plan for each of you in the Abundant Business Mentorship.

I will share with you exactly what your strengths are... and what energies are MOST supportive to you. AND I will share what energies will challenge you, and how you can navigate them.

Intuition is CRITICAL in business. And it can easily get buried underneath the "prescribed rules of business" when you fall into the trap of doing what you "should" do rather than what is energetically aligned for you. YES, you will have to do hard...

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October Energy Forecast: Completion, Reflection, and New Beginnings

October Energy Forecast: Completion, Reflection, and New Beginnings

Welcome to the October Energy Forecast! In this episode, I dive deep into the powerful energies surrounding this month. October brings a unique preview of the year ahead, as it aligns with the energy of 2025. As a 9-energy month, this is a time of completions, reflection, and taking stock of where we've been and where we want to go.

We’ll explore how this “end of a cycle” energy is urging us to review our standards, raise our expectations, and detox patterns that no longer serve us. I'll walk you through key dates this month, like October 1st, which beautifully connects endings and new beginnings, and October 17th’s full moon, which amplifies the themes of self-worth and change.

I’ll also guide you on how to harness these energies for personal growth, especially as we move towards 2025. Whether it's through introspection, journaling, or seeking guidance, this month is about setting the...

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Reclaiming Marketing as a Healing Practice

Why is it that the people who most STRUGGLE with marketing are those whose gifts are of greatest benefit to us?? 

Many entrepreneurs, particularly those who are sensitive to energy, struggle with marketing because they’ve been exposed to manipulative, scarcity-based tactics. These strategies, often rooted in fear and urgency feel repulsive... and NO WONDER we are resistant to that!!

But here’s the important truth: It’s not marketing itself that’s the problem—it’s the energy behind it. 

Reclaiming Marketing as a Healing Practice. 

What if marketing were seen as a sacred extension of your work? Instead of separating marketing from your healing practice, Magnetic Marketing integrates it as part of the transformation your clients experience. 

It’s not just about making a sale—it's about helping your clients prepare energetically for the changes they will go through as they work with you. Think of your marketing as...

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3 Stage Business Model for Profit without Burnout

These 3 stages are critical for any business model, but particularly important if you are looking to scale your service-based business. If you are a service provider, offer 1-1 consultations, are a coach, healer, professional intuitive, etc.

You may not see it... but your unique gifts and genius CAN be translated to leverage... and this area is my expertise!!

Here are the 3 stages you need to consider in your business model:

Stage 1: Relationship Building (Free Stage)

  • Purpose: To introduce people to your world and build a relationship with potential clients.

  • Goal: Get people to know, like, and trust you. It’s about creating a space where they can connect with you.

  • Examples of Offers/Products:Free quizzes, Free webinars, Masterclasses, Free opt-ins (guides, templates, tools, etc.), Free content (social media, blogs, emails), Free downloadable resources


Stage 2: Accessible Paid Offer (Trust Building)

  • Purpose: To deepen the relationship and build trust. This is...

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Consent-Based Marketing & Quiz Funnels

Why is consent SO important, and WHY does it matter in business & sales?

Because when someone CONSENTS... they open their energy, their heart, and their mind.

This is one of the things I LOVE about a Quiz Funnel.


With a quiz, you’re INVITING your audience into a conversation they actually WANT to have!

You’re giving them the power to raise their hand and say:

"YES! I want to know more." 

"YES! I want a personalized solution."

Here’s why it works: 

 Permission-based: They take your quiz because THEY CHOSE to. That’s instant permission to build trust. 

 Personalized AF: Forget generic. The results speak directly to THEIR needs. It’s like magic. 

Specific, solution-oriented value: Deliver real value. Offer solutions. Let them raise their hands, ready to solve their problem.

This is WHY I am obsessed with QUIZZES in your marketing plan.

It REQUIRES the right business model for it to work... want to...

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September Energy Forecast - 8 Energy Month AND 8 energy year 🀯

Numerology for the Month

September is a PEAK energy for 2024, listen in to find out WHY, and how you can use this energy to support you in achieving some BIG goals this month!

This is a month for creating, where all your hard work pays off.

Where the all the actions you have taken, all the little baby steps start to add up.

Where the evidence shows up!

Where you can see and feel the results.

Momentum and preparation meet to create luck for you this month!

Tune in for details and important dates as I help you manifest this luck for September!

To access the free trainings in Sept, sign up here: https://www.meaghanalton.com/overwhelm-to-overflow

Click here to access the free guide "Train ChatGPT to be your unpaid intern." 


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Money, Numerology & Business ALL use the Language of Numbers to amplify energy

“So you were talking about Numerology… but now you are talking about Money?”

Someone asked me this the other day. Fair enough. This powerful connection may not be obvious... YET. 

Yes, I am.  And here’s why.

When I teach people Numerology… their intuition opens up in the MOST beautiful ways. They learn to trust themselves. They understand the currents and the flows of energy in the universe. They understand alignment… and how to BE in alignment… and can share this with others too.

However… when I see people attempt to share their magical gifts with the world… I see soooo many people tense up. Freeze. Get riddled with insecurity and indecision… and it’s like a heavy weight on their intuition.

Money and Business can create a heavy burden on those who are sensitive to energy. It can limit their ability to share their gifts with the world.

In working with thousands of people over the years… I have...

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Annoying AF link between Money and Creativity... it's a bit sticky 😬


This might feel super annoying... I know it did to me, when I first realized this. But now that I know, I can't unsee it

Your relationship with Money and your ability to be creative are at the same set point

The degree to which you feel safe and secure with Money is directly proportionate to the degree to which your life force energy is lit up.

It makes sense, doesn’t it? But it might also be a little... cringy... when you realize how MUCH these two elements are intertwined.

When we are in fear, in scarcity, in lack… it’s near impossible to be creative.

And yet… to grow and expand our income, to come up with creative business ideas, to build our body of work, to share it with others, to be compensated for our gifts...
REQUIRES our creativity.

‍‍‍ Kinda feels like a catch-22 doesn’t it?  Or the chicken and the egg problem….

You need Money to be creative.
You need to be creative to make Money ‍

And we can swirl...

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This makes me CRAZY πŸ€ͺ

It’s NOT money you truly want.
Let me say that again... it's NOT the MONEY!!

Stop obsessing over MONEY for MONEY’S sake!!!
It's repelling Money. It's a turn-off. 

And when you put all that pressure on money, it slips away… like squeezing sand in your hand.
It’s not money you want.

You THINK Money will buy you something.. 

And most people are even a little vague on that.

So… let’s get clear on that shall we? 
We need to give our Money a clear job!

Because  when money has a job, and it knows what’s expected of it, it’s energy can be channeled so much more effectively!!

Want to travel?
Want more freedom?
Time with your kids?
A more comfortable home?
Room to breathe?
Feeling safe?
Buying higher quality food?

Ok this is a great start... and...Arguably... even these things aren't what you actually desire.

You desire the FEELING these things give you

Let's use travel as an example... you think it will give you freedom,...

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August Energy Forecast - 7 energy month!

While June was about relationships with others, August is about your relationship with self-trust, risk taking, and how to have your own back as you make the moves that your Soul longs for.

Key themes that emerge:

creating the right safety to be able to take the risks you are guided by your heart and soul.

the necessity of healthy interconnected relationships.

allowing your relationship and the way you are with money to transform.

Podcast on building a solid friend network - Episode 31 of the Alchemy of Numbers with Meaghan Alton https://open.spotify.com/episode/4FaH... 

Healing Currency Money Archetype Quiz: https://www.meaghanalton.com/healing-... 



Comment below and let me know... what is your #1 takeaway??

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