"You are a healer, you know that right?" Puzzled, I drew my hand away. A business woman, yes. But a healer?

23 years ago…"Can we study together? You are so good at math!" - The lady who sat beside me in Math 90, first year college. She was cool and breezy... I felt chaotic and disorganized, my bag stuffed overly full with books. But when she said that... I paused. And took it in. And opened myself to that possibility. I passed that class with 96%. And went on to pursue an honours degree in business, and a Master’s degree in economics from the University of Alberta.

11 years ago…"You are an amazing coach!" - Karen McMullen. My very first coach, and the woman who trained me in body centred coaching. My impulse was to deny, side-step, deflect the comment. But Karen's coaching style, her insights, her guidance opened up a whole new world for me. I deeply respect her perspective. So... I took it in. And I devoted myself to supporting others to access their potential.

10 years ago…“You are a healer… you know that right?” She gently held my hand in...

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How I found my sweet spot for magic, miracles and synchronicity HINT: it's not what you think.

Sometimes life feels like a bit of a pendulum, doesn't it?

We can feel the swing in one direction for a long time... but then, inevitably, there will be a swing in the other direction.

Life is always seeking balance and equilibrium and harmony.

There will be phases in our lives where we are all structure and strategic. 

And... we miss out on the magic of flow and creativity.

There are other phases where we are all inspiration and fluidity...

And we miss out on the support of systems and solidity. 

I started my career as an economist. Did you know I have a Master's degree in Econ, as well as a Business degree? I was an expert in stats and data and financial forecasting. At the time, I had little room for magic in my life. And eventually... it left me feeling unfulfilled, depleted... and desperately seeking meaning in other ways. I was tired and worn out.

So I dove deep into my spiritual and intuitive journey. And I left all the structures and systems behind. It was truly...

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As a Coach, this is the most important tool in my practice.

Are you a Coach or a professional space holder in some way? Teacher, consultant, healer or guide?

If so, you will want to keep reading.

Client attraction, conversion and retention is one of the biggest gaps between a thriving practice... and one that feels draining and exhausting.

My coach told me the other day that she's blown away by my conversion and retention stats.

She says I am an anomaly.

Well... I want to share my secrets with you.

In one word?


Numerology makes me BOTH a better coach AND a better business woman.

Here's how:

  1. I encourage my clients to leverage opportunities THEIR way. Aligned with THEIR nature. This makes it so much more natural for them to succeed... because they don't have to try to be something they aren't. They get to be successful in the most natural way for them.
  2. I coach clients to align strategies with their unique energy. This enhances their authenticity and prevents burnout. It allows them to feel energizedby their work.
  3. I help my...
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How I found my sweet spot for magic, miracles and synchronicity HINT: it's not what you think.

Sometimes life feels like a bit of a pendulum, doesn't it?

We can feel the swing in one direction for a long time... but then, inevitably, there will be a swing in the other direction.

Life is always seeking balance and equilibrium and harmony.


There will be phases in our lives where we are all structure and strategic. 

And... we miss out on the magic of flow and creativity.

There are other phases where we are all inspiration and fluidity...

And we miss out on the support of systems and solidity.


I started my career as an economist. Did you know I have a Master's degree in Econ, as well as a Business degree? I was an expert in stats and data and financial forecasting. At the time, I had little room for magic in my life. And eventually... it left me feeling unfulfilled, depleted... and desperately seeking meaning in other ways. I was tired and worn out.

So I dove deep into my spiritual and intuitive journey. And I left all the structures and systems behind. It was...

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July Energy Forecast - You. Sovereign. Capable. Responsible. Leader.


No one is coming to save you. And why this is a good thing... and what you can do to make this a heck of a lot easier on yourself.

THIS is how you make yourself POTENT & RESOURCED

Tune into the forecast to find out how to work with the energy... and significant dates for wealth activation, freedom, fulfillment and more peace.

And tap into your Power.

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Balance is hell. Tell me I'm wrong.

Can I be real with you around the idea of balance?

Honestly... I hate the idea and the concept. It makes me crazy. Even when the word slips out of my mouth "I need to find more balance...'". Words trailing...

I feel nauseous, stomach turning. It is a losing battle I don't think I will ever win.

Last week I was feeling some deep overwhelm. And I found myself telling the story of seeking balance. How I was out of balance, life was out of balance, and if only...

Ugh. Fuck balance. And honestly... I just don't want to play a game that I am bound to lose, and leaves me feeling horrible.

And as I was turning around these ideas in my mind... I came across of piece of writing from 4.5 years ago. I wrote it when I was freshly post-partum with baby number 3... my little angel Mira.

Can I share an excerpt of what I wrote with you?

Balance, to me, invokes an image of a tight rope. A thin line. Walking every so carefully, so deliberately, so much focus and concentration required.


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Numerology is a powerful tool to increase your magnetism and radiance. Here's 3 ways.

I say "Energy is everything." All. The. Time.

So much so that it can become cliche, right?

Yes, energy is everything. But what about when I feel off? Then what? I still want (and need!!) to engage with life.

My life force energy is everything. It determines how vibrant and alive I feel. It determines how magnetic I feel.

Being magnetic and vibrant and radiant... yes it feels good. But it also literally CREATES good.

This is what draws you to people, resources and opportunities that allow you to expand, amplify and collaborate with wealth and wellbeing.

Life force energy is a limitless resource...we just need to learn to harness it. And we can use it to create expanded wealth and wellbeing.

Here are 3 ways Numerology can help you do this:

Unravel old stories of who you are NOT by honouring who you truly are.

Often we carry patterns that are not ours. They come from following "shoulds" and expectations of others. When we are finding our way in the world, we lean a lot on the...

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June Energy Forecast - Alignment with Your Natural State of Abundance Recorded live

Themes that are emerging this month:
Thought leadership - you have an opportunity to expand your body of work.
Karma - your role as the author of your destiny, and co-creative experience with the Universe.
Energy of presence - balancing love, leadership in relationships.
AND I will be sharing significant dates and what actions and work you can do to be IN FLOW with the natural currents of energy all around you!
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What if I told you you aren't doing it wrong? You may simply be painting with a watered down colour.

Sometimes it feels like the world takes so much, doesn’t it?

It can feel like no matter how much you do, there is someone or something asking for more.

It feels like you have tried so hard to create the ease you crave.

You have tried working harder, being more structured, being more focused.

You have tried resting, integrating self-care, and tried to be more in flow.

And yet… it feels like the ease and alignment you crave is just out of reach.

What if I told you that it doesn’t matter HOW well you DO the things (being productive balanced with self-care).

It’s not your PROCESS that is faulty.

Love, you aren’t doing it wrong.

You may simply be painting with a watered-down colour.

It may be tinted with the colours of those around you… those who inspire and influence you.

It may be faint with exhaustion of all the years of trying so hard to walk down a path that wasn’t fully right for you.

It may be dull with living up to the ideas and...

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When the "pull towards" of intuition bumps up against the "push away" of fear.

A while back, I started getting intrigued by cold water plunges.

Why? I don't know. But I could let the idea go. Even though I HATE the cold.

For some reason I felt drawn to try it. A magnetic pull.

And at the same time... I was terrified.

Would I get hypothermia? Would my body shut down? What if something went wrong? Would this hurt me? And... really... I was terrified of being so freaking cold.

And here is the relationship between intuition and fear.

Your intuition pulls you. It's when something catches your attention, and draws you in.

And your fear pushes you away. It may cause you to freeze or run away. It creates resistance against the very thing your intuition is asking you to explore.

I felt this push/pull fear/intuition dichotomy so many times in my life. Maybe you have too?

 When I was pregnant with my first baby, and my intuition was asking me to do things differently than what I observed around me.

When I had a seemingly secure and stable corporate career that paid...

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