๐Ÿ’•Building trust with yourself

You can trust yourself.


Even if you have messed up in the past.  

Even if you have made mistakes. 

Even if you felt like have gotten it wrong before.


Please… the one thing you should never give up on is yourself.

Trusting yourself means investing in yourself.

With time, energy and resources.

It means learning your YES and your NO.

And following through with radical self-care, boundaries and love.


Don’t let the ups and downs of your past decide your future for you.

What if you decided that today was a fresh start.

A brand new timeline.

And that thing you desire?

It’s fully possible for you.

And you only have one job.

To go within. 

And to trust yourself.


To never stop listening to the longing in your Heart.

To notice the nudging of your Soul.

Then to follow it up with the action in your Body.


To give yourself a big hug… then take a step forward.


And see what happens when you mindfully cultivate...

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May Energy Forecast - The Healing Power of Connection

Are you a deep feeler?

Do you sense energy and information that is unseen?

Your skills will feel like they are on steroids this month! You will feel very connected to those around you, and highly sensitive to energy, information and emotions. Everyone will. This is an incredibly important energy as we are going through big changes.

It is a time where co-regulation and interdependence is critical. It is the time to find people who will be with you, in your process, and support you to step into your power even more this month. We will strongly benefit from connection and collaboration. And our challenge will be in staying with ourselves, and trusting ourselves, even when the world around us may doubt us.

The solution is not isolation and hyper independence... the solution is trusting yourself to take the actions needed to find people who you can grow and expand with... as you are all on your path of evolution. Finding bridges, creating solutions, seeing opportunities will all be...

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