July Numerology Energy Forecast

July in for relationships and honouring your SOUL GIFTS! 

It's a month of integration, recalibration... and setting your sacred container (hello boundaries!!)

Key themes this month include:

NO MORE biting your tongue to make others feel ok. It's time to speak your truth, and learn to trust yourself to say what needs to be said. Practicing forgiveness and grace if you don't get it perfectly.   

Family, friends and loved ones are a priority! Are you investing the time and energy into those most important to you? Let yourself LOVE up on those who love you... I always say it's wonderful to be loved by a 6!

Expansion of your Soul Gifts. Its a funny thing. When you stop playing small to please others, or biting your tongue to not rock the boat... you will experience a RUSH of increased life force energy. Direct it to your Soul Gifts!! You will experience upgrades in your gifts! 

As you know, in the forecast I share ALLLL the details of the month ahead...

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March Numerology Energy Forecast

t's a 2 energy month!!

Highlighting connection, collaboration and your intuition! There will also be themes around releasing, karmic adjustment, and integrating an abundance experience that is more fulfilling and aligned. I share special days, such as the abundance portal, karmic adjustment day, and a day for re-writing the rules!

Let me know below... what landed for you?

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November Energy Forecast

November Numerology Energy is gonna be different.

It's time to raise your standards.

Stop asking for, and accepting, crumbs.

You think it's a message from the Universe... but it's not.

The Spirit isn't gonna boss you around. It's not a controlling bully.

It's waiting for You to DECIDE.

Have you decided?

See how you can work with the energy in November to support an empowered decision to raise your standards, and to create a new baseline in your life and business.

Bring your #calendar because I always go into specific dates!!!

Any Qs for me? Post below!! And tag a friend who needs to see this too!!



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August Energy Forecast - Integration and Recalibration with your Soul Gifts and Oracular Gifts

August is a 6 energy month... join me as I dive deep into what that means for you, and the specific dates and energy you can work with to support your goals and desires!!

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