July Numerology Energy Forecast

July in for relationships and honouring your SOUL GIFTS! 

It's a month of integration, recalibration... and setting your sacred container (hello boundaries!!)

Key themes this month include:

NO MORE biting your tongue to make others feel ok. It's time to speak your truth, and learn to trust yourself to say what needs to be said. Practicing forgiveness and grace if you don't get it perfectly.   

Family, friends and loved ones are a priority! Are you investing the time and energy into those most important to you? Let yourself LOVE up on those who love you... I always say it's wonderful to be loved by a 6!

Expansion of your Soul Gifts. Its a funny thing. When you stop playing small to please others, or biting your tongue to not rock the boat... you will experience a RUSH of increased life force energy. Direct it to your Soul Gifts!! You will experience upgrades in your gifts! 

As you know, in the forecast I share ALLLL the details of the month ahead...

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October Energy Numerology Forecast

7 energy month... with some very significant changes in store. Tune in for details and important dates.


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April Energy Forecast - The Rise of the Intuitive Leader

We are entering a new era.

It used to be that external signalling (often with an energy of proving) was important.

  • Did you go to the right school?
  • Are you connected to the right influencers?
  • Are you showing up in the right places, in the right ways?
  • Are you hitting the external targets and milestones that prove your value and expertise?

And while I am certainly not going to deny that education, collaboration, skills and experience aren't important (of course they are!!)... there is a new priority.

Leadership sourced from intuition, energetic connection, and collaboration.

We are in the era of the Rise of the Intuitive Leader... and it starts April 1.

Creating a new way forward is going to require different skills than those we needed in the past.

Your FELT sense and you INTUITIVE sense are more important than ever.

And... I need you to know. These are LEARNABLE skills. 

There is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" approach. We all have very different energy, and we are all...

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March Energy Forecast - Find & Prioritize your Inner Compass

Finding and reclaiming your truth.

It's not really lost though, is it?

It's deep within you. It doesn't disappear. But it does get buried under layers of expectation, judgement, and conditions.

So you slowly lose touch with it.. imperceptibly.

This is where you will feel ungrounded, disoriented, confused. Not certain of how to move forward, or even what is true.

So much about 2022 is about reclaiming YOU, your TRUTH, your CODE. So you can be aligned with your centre, and activating your power.

This means that pedestals must fall.

That places you have leaked your power must be reclaimed.

That you must find your inner compass, and prioritize it. Even when - especially when - others are disappointed by you.

Your power is inalienable. Let's help you find the compass to reclaim it, shall we?

This is March energy. Come to my live training in Facebook tomorrow at 11:30 PST.

I will share how the energy will unfold, and how you can leverage it to support you and your goals.


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July Energy Forecast

energy forecast forecast Jul 01, 2021
Ready? Hang on, because things are going to speeding up this month! We have a powerful mix of energies that are meant to support a stabilization into a new creation... an upgraded vision... an expansion of what we have been co-creating.
Tune in to get all the details, including critical dates!!

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April Energy Forecast

April is a beautiful month to amplify new beginnings through release of the old, and detoxing patterns, habits and experiences from your life.  

We have two powerful manifestation cycles to leverage!  The first is for release and surrender and completion.  The second is going to invite us to welcome in new opportunities and experiences that are more aligned with our higher good.  

Watch the video for important dates and specific action items!!

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March Energy Forecast

March is the month of DEVOTION. You will be challenged to face all the places you have played small - where you have been ok with "fine".
Are you really fine?
Or are you craving a bigness, a richness, a depth... something you can truly FEEL?
Are you following your soul's calling or living a conditioned life?
Watch the video to find out how you can be supported to lean into Mastery just a little bit more. And create powerful alignment!

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2021 Energy Forecast

energy forecast forecast Jan 07, 2021
2021 has a message for you.
You aren’t meant to be caged.
You were not made to exist in limits.
You aren’t here to settle, suffer or struggle.
In fact...
You are meant to feel fire in your heart.
You are meant to feel the expansion of your soul being uplifted.
You are made for freedom, play and pleasure.
Your pleasure is purposeful...
The contrast you see and feel all around you is purposeful. The contrast is fuel for your expanded wellness.
I’m going to be sharing exactly how, why and what you can do about it in my 2021 forecast. Watch the 2021 Energy Overview below.
Sign up for the entire 2 hour forecast here (which includes detailed breakdown of the energy of each month) and get a bonus workbook with journal prompts and monthly energy alignment tips!

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November Energy Forecast

energy forecast forecast Oct 30, 2020
November is going to start with a bang. There will be some upheaval, some shifts, and some re-adjustments. However, the ultimate potential for this month is to find a harmonized peace and balance.
Tune in to learn the important dates, how to set aligned intentions, and journaling prompts to support you to reach your goals and experience your desires.
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July Energy Forecast

energy forecast month Jul 06, 2020

How July is like a big game of Marco-Polo.

Remember playing that game as a kid in the neighbourhood swimming pool?  Well... this month, we are playing a giant version of Marco Polo.  Watch the video to find out WHY and HOW to leverage this energy.

July wants you to know a few key things...

Give yourself permission to want what you want.

Because what you want, wants you.

What matters to you is important.

Prioritize your pleasure, your joy and your fun.

It matters... it is an aspect of your contribution.  This is how all our values, energy, contribution swirl together and create a collective energy... impacting the evolution of humanity.  

Let yourself be cracked open to access YOUR truth. Not the "truth" of the conditioning and expectations of those around you.

Trust yourself to be guided.

What are you converging with?  Play the game, and allow the convergence to support you as you lean into YOUR truth. 

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