April Energy Forecast - The Rise of the Intuitive Leader

We are entering a new era.

It used to be that external signalling (often with an energy of proving) was important.

  • Did you go to the right school?
  • Are you connected to the right influencers?
  • Are you showing up in the right places, in the right ways?
  • Are you hitting the external targets and milestones that prove your value and expertise?

And while I am certainly not going to deny that education, collaboration, skills and experience aren't important (of course they are!!)... there is a new priority.

Leadership sourced from intuition, energetic connection, and collaboration.

We are in the era of the Rise of the Intuitive Leader... and it starts April 1.

Creating a new way forward is going to require different skills than those we needed in the past.

Your FELT sense and you INTUITIVE sense are more important than ever.

And... I need you to know. These are LEARNABLE skills. 

There is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" approach. We all have very different energy, and we are all...

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