🤔What is Oracular Magic?

The Year of Oracular Magic

I have been saying all year… NOW is the time to activate your Oracular Magic.

But I realize that may have some of you a little lost… what is Oracular Magic? 

It is the ability to see energy, see patterns, see beyond the 3 dimensional world we live in. You may see possibility and potential (one of my most power gifts). You may see timelines and paradigms. You may see past lives. You may see how to shift out of challenge.  Everyone’s Oracular gifts will express in different ways… and there is no one RIGHT way to do it!!

So… the next question is… Well… HOW do I do that???

Here’s how:

You pick a modality. And you study it. 

It doesn’t really matter which one. What matter is you feel the calling of your Soul.  

Then you follow your intrigue

And if that is Numerology… let’s walk this path together.

Because developing your Oracular Magic requires devotion and...

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December Energy Forecast with Numerology

What has this whole entire year been for???

If you are wondering... come to the Dec forecast. It will bring you SO much clarity!! I will share what the challenges AND opportunities will be this month. So you can work WITH the energy (rather than against it). More so than usual, Dec is going to be a "set up" month for 2024... because it's a 1 energy. 2024 is all about momentum and infinite abundance. Where the law of compound interest kicks in.

Which means... our energy in Dec matters.

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✨Reminder: You were made for times like these.

In this potent 7 energy…I am feeling the intensity spark.

And I just want to remind you... that we were MADE for times like these.

We, at the Soul level, have chosen this experience.

We are perfectly equipped to handle it.

Of course, we aren't perfect.

Of course, we will mess it up, get it wrong, flounder and sputter.

We don't see or realize the timeline adjustments that are unfolding in our floundering.

We don't realize the wrinkles we are ironing out in our 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th try.

So if you are in the midst of floundering right now... does it help to remember:

there is a strength growing within you.

That this is activating an initiation.

That the magic of 7 is the illusions... that stuff is happening underground, deep within... even if you can't see the physical evidence YET.

I am curious... Are you feeling what's brewing deep within right now? 

Numerology is the most powerful tool to help you understand, Alchemize and activatate these shifts that are bubbling...

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Alchemize your challenge ➡️ into an opportunity

Someone asked me the other day...Why Numerology?

And it sent me for a rip down memory lane...

‍Because when I was told I was too much… too sensitive, too talkative, too bossy… it helped me find my superpower as a sensitive, intuitive teacher who could very clearly see pathways to potential and possibility.

Because we are surrounded by energy all the time. And it is all around us to support us, help us and guide us to fulfill our goals, desires and dreams.  We simply need to interpre it, and understand it. And work with it.

Because life isn’t meant to be punitive. Our challenges aren’t here to hurt us.  In fact, they are an initiation.

Our challenges initiate us into greater levels of our potential and our gifts.

They are HOW we develop potency and mastery over our gifts.

Because when we face hard things… we aren’t meant to freeze, pull back, shrink or stop.

We are meant to find our centre, and activate Alchemy

Challenges are...

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November Energy Forecast

November Numerology Energy is gonna be different.

It's time to raise your standards.

Stop asking for, and accepting, crumbs.

You think it's a message from the Universe... but it's not.

The Spirit isn't gonna boss you around. It's not a controlling bully.

It's waiting for You to DECIDE.

Have you decided?

See how you can work with the energy in November to support an empowered decision to raise your standards, and to create a new baseline in your life and business.

Bring your #calendar because I always go into specific dates!!!

Any Qs for me? Post below!! And tag a friend who needs to see this too!!



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9 Numerology readings in 3 hours: lessons inside

I attended a beautiful event hosted by Dare to Dream at the AIM Center in Kelowna… it was incredible. And the other speakers and practitioners are some of the most brilliant minds and hearts... it was an honour to collaborate with them.

I got to share a 45 min talk… where I talked about HOW we can use Numerology to create Alchemy in our lives, transmuting challenges into opportunity (if you are curious to know HOW, send me a note!!).

And I shared 9 Numerology readings in 3 hours… connecting at the Soul level with 9 beautiful hearts.  

It was so beautiful and so profound.

The gift of sharing intuitive readings is people share their truest hearts with you, and reveal to you what they most fear, what they are grieving, what they dream of, and what they most desire in life. And holding space for those kinds of conversations is LIFE for me.

Here are the 9 things I learned from being a speaker and practitioner at the event:

  1. Having a very clear niche, being...
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When life becomes unbearable, this is where I turn.

I turned to Numerology when the unpredictability of my life got to be too much to bear.

I was struggling ‍ ... and the more I struggled, the more lost I felt.

I lost who I was. I lost my "why". I lost what my precious gifts were .

And  Numerology brought me back to myself ... reminded me of who I am. And helped me to reclaim my power.

AND... it is now helping me expand and thrive.

It helped me create powerful trust with my coaching clients... because they felt seen, heard, and understood.

I have a waitlist of people who want forecasts and numerology readings from me... because my ability to tap into the energy using numbers is so clear and concrete for them.

I have guided my business to surpass my corporate income year after year, even growing when many others have struggled... through consistent offers, repeat clients, and a highly loyal community. Because I understand the energy, and provide consistent value with my forecasting.

 💕Are you curious to learn more about...

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💕Try THIS to connect with Soulmate Clients.

Your Soulmate clients want to connect with you as much as you want to connect with them.

Actually... they probably want to find you even MORE!!

Because... you have something they want. You carry a Code they are seeking. 

If this is true... then why can it feel hard to find clients?

Because you overcomplicate, overthink, get stuck in your head... then freeze up.

Want the simple, but highly effective solution to this?

Spend more time FEELING their energy. And allowing them to feel your energy.

Spend more time LISTENING to them.  And allow them to listen to you.

Spend more time SEEING them.  And allow them to see you.

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October Energy Forecast

Some powerful themes are coming up... and it is all around mastery, dedication and devotion with LOVE & MONEY! Some of the challenges that will creep in is impatience with where you are at in your journey... which may cause you to want to throw in the towel. You aren't meant to give up.... you are meant to check in with your path... the commit to mastery!! Tune in for the important details AND dates this month!!


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A Solstice Ritual that I created just for you!

Happy Solstice!!

Wishing you so many blessings on this Sacred Day!


The Year of the Oracle, the Seer, the Intuitive

This is the year that your Oracular gifts become activated.

Stronger, more powerful, and more potent than ever before.


Gifts do not get developed in a vacuum.

Our Soul Gifts are an initiation.


What this means is that they need something to strengthen, to activate, to develop them.

And this is done through contrast, challenge, duality and polarity.


So… if you have struggled to make decisions.

  • If you have been fearful of the unknown.
  • If you have felt the anxiety of change.
  • If you have felt afraid to leap.
  • If you have desired proof, evidence, concrete results BEFORE you make a decision.
  • If you have wondered why the old ways of doing things aren’t working for you.
  • If you have felt yourself pushed up against a brick wall… and feeling like there is no way forward…


Let me tell you…

This is your initiation.

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