How Your Money Imprint Shapes Your Reality

How Your Money Imprint Shapes Your Reality

Money is currency. It has a flow, momentum, and frequency in our lives. But what happens when that flow feels blocked or disrupted?

When we’ve experienced difficult, confusing, or painful times with money, those experiences can become deeply ingrained in our energy, creating patterns that show up in unexpected ways.

The Impact of Money Trauma

If you’ve ever found yourself pulling back from things you truly love and feel passionate about, money trauma could be a contributing factor. Maybe you’ve noticed that even simple tasks—especially in your business—feel like an uphill battle, like you’re fighting against a powerful current.

And the truth is, you are.

When we have unresolved money trauma, the current pushes us away from money. We may start believing that money equals struggle, pain, or suffering, and these beliefs become imprinted into our nervous system. We end up running a program that tells us money...

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