🦋You've been burned, I get it.

You’ve been burned.

You're frozen… unable to move forward.

Like really stuck.


‍ Let me ask you… have you tried to move forward on something, only to have it fail? Or result in so much struggle?

Um yes. Me too. We all have. ‍


There are times when we struggle and fail, the sense of discouragement, rejection, and sadness feels very familiar.

It’s a reminder that you have failed before. 

That you have been sentenced to struggle before.

That you didn’t succeed last time.

That you can’t create the outcomes you truly want.


And that puts you in a freeze mode. In this holding cell. Unable to move forward.

You WANT to move forward, you truly do. But you quite literally don’t know HOW to move forward.

There was an imprint created that when you try to go after your dreams, your goals, your desires… you will face failure.

And it is dangerous to fail.


‍ This is another version of the Witch Wound...

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