April Energy Forecast - The Rise of the Intuitive Leader

We are entering a new era.

It used to be that external signalling (often with an energy of proving) was important.

  • Did you go to the right school?
  • Are you connected to the right influencers?
  • Are you showing up in the right places, in the right ways?
  • Are you hitting the external targets and milestones that prove your value and expertise?

And while I am certainly not going to deny that education, collaboration, skills and experience aren't important (of course they are!!)... there is a new priority.

Leadership sourced from intuition, energetic connection, and collaboration.

We are in the era of the Rise of the Intuitive Leader... and it starts April 1.

Creating a new way forward is going to require different skills than those we needed in the past.

Your FELT sense and you INTUITIVE sense are more important than ever.

And... I need you to know. These are LEARNABLE skills. 

There is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" approach. We all have very different energy, and we are all...

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 My ✨ Word of the Year✨ and the exact process I used to find it. 2022 will unfold differently, and that's kinda the point.

How are you feeling about the start of the year?

I notice an interesting energy, where people feel pressured to "get it right."

  Set goals and intentions by Jan 1;

  Have a clear focus, after spending an hour reflecting; and

  Feel momentum kick in... like now.

Um... can we just take a deep breath together please? This is NOT real.

You don't need to rush yourself love. You have all the time and space you need... energy alignment FIRST will create ease and flow in the decision making and action taking stage of the game!!

Aligning energy takes time, presence and mindfulness.

Rushing does not do you any favours... if anything, it will cause you to be held back.

This year, we are surrounded by so much love and support (hello nurturing 6 energy!!). We also have the entire month of January to explore with curiosity and experiment.

Then in February, an 8 energy month, we will kick into the infinite flow of momentum.

So babe, take your time now. Go slow, be...

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March Energy Forecast - Find & Prioritize your Inner Compass

Finding and reclaiming your truth.

It's not really lost though, is it?

It's deep within you. It doesn't disappear. But it does get buried under layers of expectation, judgement, and conditions.

So you slowly lose touch with it.. imperceptibly.

This is where you will feel ungrounded, disoriented, confused. Not certain of how to move forward, or even what is true.

So much about 2022 is about reclaiming YOU, your TRUTH, your CODE. So you can be aligned with your centre, and activating your power.

This means that pedestals must fall.

That places you have leaked your power must be reclaimed.

That you must find your inner compass, and prioritize it. Even when - especially when - others are disappointed by you.

Your power is inalienable. Let's help you find the compass to reclaim it, shall we?

This is March energy. Come to my live training in Facebook tomorrow at 11:30 PST.

I will share how the energy will unfold, and how you can leverage it to support you and your goals.


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February Energy Forecast

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2022
Devotion to your priorities to expand your energy.
Learn the energy of the month through Numerology so you can understand the patterns as they unfold. We are being called to radically choose ourselves this month... devotion to our priorities and values.... so that we may invest in what truly matters to us. As we do so, we will experience an expansion of our energy - our most precious resource! Tune in for how this will unfold, the themes as they emerge, and significant dates to watch for!
Click the reminder button to join me live!! Bring your questions!!

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"Free people, free people"

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2022
Free people, free people. - Sah D’Simone

This quote moved me deeply.

I can know freedom, intellectually. I can dream and imagine what it looks and feels like for me.

And when I identified freedom as a top value of mine, I saw it as freedom to… be myself, share my gifts, and do work that meant something to me.
To create that freedom in my life required me to take big risks.

Taking big risks can unsettle your nervous system and be terrifying.
This is where my relationship with EFT tapping came in. It created a sense of safety for me. It helped me learn how to articulate my emotions. And be friends with them.
When I learned how to stop running from how I felt, freedom took on a whole new expression in my life.

Sign up for Jackie's free workshop here.
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December Energy Forecast

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2021

December contains an energy of activation. This isn't passive... it requires your deliberate choice, followed by inspired action. There is an energy current this month to activate amplified abundance. Tune in to find out what days are important, and how to leverage the energy to support your goals and desires.


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November Energy Forecast

Uncategorized Nov 02, 2021

Have you been feeling like there is something... hmm... but you can't quite put your finger on what? The energy has been ramping up to November. This may be a bit of a wild ride... but, let me ask you, can you let yourself be WILD?

What if that is exactly what is needed from you?

And what if surrendering to your WILD means a breath of fresh air, a sigh of relief, and a deep belly laugh?

Your wildness wants to emerge. And with it, there will be an unfurling. An emergence.

That "something" will make itself abundantly clear.

Clarity for inspired action? Yes please!

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October Energy Forecast

Uncategorized Oct 04, 2021

October is here for a very specific reason. We have opportunities for some karmic adjustment, as well as harmonization. We have a chance at a new commitment, or a strengthening of an existing commitment. Find how how understanding this energy will support you and help you create flow, alignment and a path towards what you want.


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September Energy Forecast

Uncategorized Sep 01, 2021

September is PEAK energy for 2021

Expect some significant karmic adjustments that are meant to guide us to a very specific outcome.  Tune in to find  out how to leverage the energy to support you, and find some guidance in the chaos of the unknown! 

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August Energy Forecast

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2021

Your Leadership is Needed.  And it's easier than you think.

Leadership is often misunderstood... find out how this month's energy is actually supporting you to embody the leader you truly are. 

You get to be you. All parts of you. In fact, we NEED all parts of you. You don't need to be something you aren't. You get to show up, in your truth, in your essence, in your Code.  And this is EXACTLY how we create the powerful change we so deeply desire.

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