Alchemize your challenge ➡️ into an opportunity

🤔Someone asked me the other day...Why Numerology?

And it sent me for a rip down memory lane...

❤️‍🩹Because when I was told I was too much… too sensitive, too talkative, too bossy… it helped me find my superpower as a sensitive, intuitive teacher who could very clearly see pathways to potential and possibility.

🌀Because we are surrounded by energy all the time. And it is all around us to support us, help us and guide us to fulfill our goals, desires and dreams.  We simply need to interpre it, and understand it. And work with it.

🌈Because life isn’t meant to be punitive. Our challenges aren’t here to hurt us.  In fact, they are an initiation.

Our challenges initiate us into greater levels of our potential and our gifts.

They are HOW we develop potency and mastery over our gifts.

💪Because when we face hard things… we aren’t meant to freeze, pull back, shrink or stop.

We are meant to find our centre, and activate Alchemy🚀

✨Challenges are Portals of Potential✨

In order to see them this way, and USE them this way… we simply need to understand Alchemy.

I teach Alchemical Numerology… a completely unique form of Numerology that shows you HOW to transmute your challenges into opportunities.

And each of us will create Alchemy differently… it is unique to your Code.

Curious to learn yours? Reach out!


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