✨Connect with the Consciousness of your Business

When you create a "line in the sand" moment, what you are actually doing is activating a new timeline.
And I want to share exactly how in a moment.

But first, on this fresh and shiny new month... let's do a little check-in, shall we?

✨Check-in with the Consciousness of Your Business✨

Take a minute, close your eyes, and take a few grounding breaths in.
You may want to hold a crystal in your hand, or apply some essential oil to center you.

Bring into your mind's eye, or into your awareness that your business has consciousness. It has it's own energetic makeup, and you are co-creating with it.

You may picture it as a colour, or a random form, or even an animal or a tree or an element of nature. You may simply sense it. It doesn't really matter how it appears to you.
Take a moment to acknowledge it with curiosity and wonder.

Then ask it these questions:

➡️How are you doing, really?
➡️What do you most want and need?
➡️How can I better support you?

Pull out your journal... and let the answers flow. They may not make sense to you, and that's ok. If this is a new practice for you, it may take time to develop a relationship with the Consciousness of your business. And so today, you opened that door. Nice job!! 🙌 🙌 🙌

🚀Line in the Sand Moment🚀

When I have done this with clients, it's come up many times that their business doesn't feel like it's getting the attention it desires. That it has so much to give, and yet, no pathways to share. That it wants to help, but people aren't able to access the help it has to offer. It feels cut off and a little lonely. Like it's left out of the play group at school.

I am not sure if any of this resonates with you... but if it does, I want to share what helped me.

In order to help more people, they need to hear, feel, and experience your work!

🤯🤯🤯I know right?
This is marketing. Marketing is very simply sharing your work with people. Helping people. Connecting with people. Making a difference in the lives of others.
And I know you LOVE doing that... because that's exactly why you started your work!

So I asked myself this one question, and it changed everything.

"What if I gave myself permission to experience marketing as FUN? What if I was willing to fall in love with marketing?"

And after this, everything changed.

I see this happening time and time again with my clients... when they are ready to C feels so happy, so nourished, so lit up, so delighted. Because it finally has a pathway to make the difference it truly desires.


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