๐Ÿ’•What's on your heart? Taking the time to listen.

My Heart's Desire...

Less chaos... more peace.
Less busy... more spaciousness.
Less overwhelm... more moments of awe and wonder.
Less obligation... more delight.

This is what's on my heart and mind these days.

Time is an illusion... I see evidence of this everywhere.

I know when I mindfully and consciously work with the alignment of my Soul. Connecting deeply with my Soul's wisdom and my inner guidance system... magic unfolds.

Every single time.

So when the world around me feels like it's pulling at me... when I feel wobbly, and pushed and pulled in too many directions...

When I notice I am not breathing deeply... that I am locked into some kind of freeze response. My body's way of resisting the obligations before me...

When I notice that I am going through the motions instead of truly being present to the life before me...

I turn to my Code.

I look at my Forecast... I pull up the archetypal energies before me. And I sit with the swirling energies... watching them settle like flakes in a snowglobe.

And with my awareness... I notice that I can shift things.

With my presence and attention to the energy that is... I can work with the energy that is present... and my attention performs alchemy.

Turning the challenges, obstacles and chaos... into potential, possibility and magic.

Alignment with my desires.

This is available for you too.

This is my wish for you... that you invoke Alchemy in your life.

Because this will be HOW you move through life with more grace and ease in 2023. The constant in this coming year will be change.

7 energy year (2023) means lots of changes, lots of unknowns... and the key area of support will be your inner guidance system.

The question for you to consider... how do we work WITH the change... instead of in resistance to it?

Tell me... I want to know... what's on YOUR heart?


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