"Free people, free people"

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2022
Free people, free people. - Sah D’Simone

This quote moved me deeply.

I can know freedom, intellectually. I can dream and imagine what it looks and feels like for me.

And when I identified freedom as a top value of mine, I saw it as freedom to… be myself, share my gifts, and do work that meant something to me.
To create that freedom in my life required me to take big risks.

Taking big risks can unsettle your nervous system and be terrifying.
This is where my relationship with EFT tapping came in. It created a sense of safety for me. It helped me learn how to articulate my emotions. And be friends with them.
When I learned how to stop running from how I felt, freedom took on a whole new expression in my life.

Sign up for Jackie's free workshop here.

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