2021 has a message for you.
- You aren’t meant to be caged.
- You were not made to exist in limits.
- You aren’t here to settle, suffer or struggle.
- You are meant to feel fire in your heart.
- You are meant to feel the expansion of your soul being uplifted.
- You are made for freedom, play and pleasure.
Your pleasure is purposeful...
The contrast you see and feel all around you is purposeful. The contrast is fuel for your expanded wellness.
I’m going to be sharing exactly how, why and what you can do about it in my 2021 forecast.
Every year has a goal for us. It has an intention. And the patterns that flow through the year are meant to guide us towards this intention.
2021 has a beautiful goal for us. It wants us to experience a a rich sense of freedom, play and pleasure.
And that is not going to be without it's bumps and challenges, of course. We are in a powerful upheaval right now...we are at a cresting tidal wave of change.
When we are in peak opportunity for transformation, that can also be when the resistance reaches a high.
I am going to walk you through exactly HOW to navigate the challenges that will inevitably arise... so you can USE this year to create freedom. On your terms. Inner AND outer freedom.
You will receive a live webinar, with opportunity for questions. And you will also get a downloadable workbook that maps out the monthly patterns along with key questions, reflections and tasks to keep you on track to your prosperity and wellbeing!
And... it's all free!!
Join me on Monday?
January 4th, 9:30am PST.