$27.00 USD

Every month

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Magical Magnetic Content

Numerology for Content Creators and Intuitive Leaders 

Monthly membership community to help you connect energetically at the Soul level with your Soulmate Clients.

What you will get:

  • Monthly energy forecast with journal prompts to help you understand the energy patterns your clients will be experiencing. This enables you to FEEL their experiences, and share content that will RESONATE in their heart.  
  •  Monthly calendar of content prompts based on the energy of the year, month and day, so you can directly apply this to your niche and your client journey.
  • Twice monthly content support calls, for hot seat coaching, brainstorming, and co-working... so you can write your emails and social posts with me.
  • A Facebook community with check ins, accountability, and a chance to share your content strategy for feedback and support from our community.

Assets you will receive:

➡️2 Zoom calls per month, for creating your emails and social content.

➡️PDF journal prompts to understand the energy of the month from your client's perspective.

➡️PDF calendar prompts to create a series of content that is energetically aligned with your Soulmate clients.

➡️A Tarot Numerology spread, to help crystallize your content strategy for the month.